About DifferenceMakers and The “Original” Mike Smith
The “Original” Mike Smith is a consultant and workshop presenter on attitudes, processes, and self-talk for enhancing personal development, building relationships and promoting positive effective collaboration. He is a certified professional speaker, leadership and sales trainer, author, poet/rhymer, and consultant. He has taken his involving presentations to almost 4 million people ranging from business leaders, educators, to students audiences in the United States and Canada. Mike has a wonderful ability to energize a meeting by helping move audiences from “passive attendees” to “willing participants” lending his talents to the themes and messages of his hosts. As the wrap-up or endnote speaker, Mike has helped many convert a theme from the words and warm feelings of the conference to the action and desired results of the real world.
Every audience is given an opportunity to vote on what they want to have happened in the time they spend with Mike. His presentations are clearly “experiences” not “speeches.” He mixes real-life stories, audience involvement activities, and rhymes into his presentation to make the salient points. Through his internet presence, he provides follow-up support to help attendees revisit the experience.
Mike’s experience lends a different flair to his small group workshop presentations. His seminars, Words Matter and Be What You Want To See on positive languaging, involvement strategies, and personal organization are among the best-reviewed at any convention or conference, as evidenced by the fact that he often faces audiences of repeat attendees. People return to participate with Mike as he explores the finer points of whatever topic he is addressing.